Beyond Aromatics

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find information about the venue?

You can find information about the venue here: Click Here

Where can I see the Conference Schedule?

Thank you for your patience. We are still confirming the spectacular speakers we wish to bring. If you wish to be a speaker please Click Here.

Is there a theme for the 2025 conference?

Yes! Conference Theme: Honoring our Aromatic Hertitage: Ancient Wisdom Meets Contemporary Science - This conference brings together a wealth of knowledge, experience and inspiration for conserving our aromatic roots and strengthening their use with advanced holistic health practices, both personally and professionally. Our goal is to share unique presentations that will inspire and educate you in a range of holistic practices, approaches, as well as to advance the field of aromatherapy.

*Reminder refund dates To be announced.

Thank you to our 2025 Gold Leaf Sponsors!

Thank you to our 2025 Silver Leaf Sponsors!

Thank you to our 2025 Bronze Leaf Sponsors!

Get in Touch

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

6000 S. 5th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83204



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